Students are given the opportunity each year to participate in Eisteddfods around the region. This is great for their confidence and building their dramatic skills in front of an audience. It is also a great way to showcase their hard work through the year. We do encourage our students to participate in the Bathurst Eisteddfod each year (but not compulsory) which is held in August – September. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to perform on stage for the first time and try it.
Other Eisteddfods which are also offered for those budding actors include Orange, Cowra, Forbes, Wellington, Gulgong, Dubbo and more around NSW.
Information is emailed out to enrolled students and parents throughout the year detailing these extra opportunities.
Solo and individual work is offered for all students of all ages!
Whether you are a pre-schooler performing a nursery rhyme or a skilled senior performer – the Eisteddfod is a chance for everyone to shine!


Is it compulsory?
No, it is not compulsory to enter but students are encouraged to take part as there are many benefits including speaking in front of an audience, and students can gain confidence and develop their skills.
Dress for Eisteddfod?
Unless advised to wear costume, please ensure you wear full school uniform or smart dress.
If a student has to pull out of an event?
This is OK, however you forfeit the entry fee.
Entries & Program?
We organise entries for you for most of these, and a program will be included with the entry fee.
Where do I collect the report for each section?
At each Eisteddfod there will be an area or desk when you can collect a written report for your childs’ performance (even if they don’t win a prize)
Audience étiquette?
No prompting or coaching from audience members is allowed. This is very important as it ensures the event is kept fair.
Do I need to take copies of the pieces to the Eisteddfod to hand in?
Yes you do need to take these to the registration table on arrival. The piece should only have the Competitor Number and Section Name at the top. NO NAMES PLEASE.
Readings for Eisteddfods?
The reading can be typed and placed into the book to read from (in larger from) or on a A5 piece of cardboard to hold on stage to read from.
Late changes?
Students cannot change sections or take place of another students name in the program.